Asbestos Vs Non-Asbestos Gasket
Asbestos and non-asbestos gaskets are two types of sealing materials used in various industries to prevent leaks and ensure tight sealing between two surfaces. However, there are some significant differences between them.
Asbestos gaskets are made of asbestos fibers that are tightly woven together. Asbestos is a natural mineral that is known for its heat-resistant and insulating properties. Asbestos gaskets are commonly used in high-temperature applications, such as in engines, boilers, and pipes. However, asbestos is also known to be a health hazard, as exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to lung diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis.
Non-asbestos gaskets, on the other hand, are made of synthetic fibers, such as aramid, fiberglass, and graphite, that are blended with rubber or other binders. Non-asbestos gaskets are a safer alternative to asbestos gaskets, as they do not contain any harmful asbestos fibers. They are also more environmentally friendly.
Overall, non-asbestos gaskets are becoming increasingly popular as a replacement for asbestos gaskets due to their safety, versatility, and effectiveness. However, the choice of gasket material depends on the specific application and the conditions under which it will be used.
Differences Between Asbestos and Non-Asbestos Gasket
The main difference between asbestos and non-asbestos gaskets is the material they are made of. Asbestos gaskets are made from a naturally occurring mineral, while non-asbestos gaskets are made from synthetic fibers, such as aramid, fiberglass, and graphite.
Asbestos gaskets are known for their excellent heat resistance and insulating properties, which make them ideal for use in high-temperature applications. However, asbestos is also a hazardous material that can cause lung diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis if inhaled. Therefore, the use of asbestos gaskets has been restricted or banned in many countries.
Non-asbestos gaskets are a safer alternative to asbestos gaskets as they do not contain asbestos fibers. They are also more environmentally friendly. Non-asbestos gaskets can be made from a variety of synthetic fibers, such as aramid, fiberglass, and graphite, which are blended with rubber or other binders to create a strong and durable material. Non-asbestos gaskets can be used in a wide range of applications, including in engines, pumps, pipes, and other industrial equipment.
So, the main differences between asbestos and non-asbestos gaskets are the materials they are made of, their properties, and their potential health and environmental hazards. While asbestos gaskets are known for their heat resistance and insulating properties, non-asbestos gaskets are a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative.
To place your order for asbestos or non-asbestos gaskets, get in touch with the best gasket manufacturing company in India, Superlite Jointings.